Texas Country Music Industry Awards Winners Announced
27 Awards Presented at Exclusive Event in Salado TX
CARTHAGE, TX (July 23, 2023) The Texas Country Music Association announced today the Winners in the 2023 Texas Country Music Industry Awards as presented at the event which took place on July 22nd.
The Texas Country Music Industry Awards was presented by the Texas Country Music Association include award categories that are not represented in the annual Texas Country Music Awards.
Sponsoring the 2023 event were Title Sponsor Sandee June, along with Jennifer & Ray Redding with Jenerayte, Texas Artists Chaser Crouch, Ray Nicole and Craig Bowen, as well as Schoepf’s BBQ, Gotta Love Texas Music Podcast, and Texas Music Reviews.
“The Texas Country Music ‘Industry Awards’ is to recognize those that work hard behind the scenes to make an effective impact on today’s Texas music,” says TCMA Executive Vice President Richard Wilson, “There are so many moving parts to making music that the general public hears on radio or streaming outlets. These are individuals and businesses that TCMA, as the supporting organization for the Texas Country Music industry, must honor.”
TCMA President Linda Wilson adds, “This is an incredibly unique and special awards event since it’s voted on by the industry stakeholders and peers. It’s our goal to let these ‘behind the scenes’ individuals and entities know that the industry is paying attention – and grateful.”
The nomination round took place between November 4, 2022, and January 15, 2023. The top 5 Finalists in each award category were announced and went to final round voting between February 4 and April 19, 2023. The winners were announced at the 2023 Texas Country Music Industry Awards following the all-day Texas Country Music Summit.
“The Texas Country Music Summit was fabulous and highly fruitful,” says Linda Wilson. “The panel speakers were actual on-the-ground individuals who make a difference in the Texas music community and shared important information on various topics. It was great to see some of the top stakeholders in the industry gather and support each other. Everyone left excited about the information they were able to take away, and the awards presented, and are already asking about next year’s event.”
The event was held at the beautiful Tenroc Ranch in Salado, TX. “What a wonderful facility, and beautiful town Salado is. They welcomed our group with open arms and provided gift bags for attendees.” says Wilson.
The 2023 Texas Country Music Industry Awards Winners are:
Artist Manager of the Year
Chuck Sweeney
Tour Manager of the Year
Manny Morales (Roger Creager)
Radio Promoter of the Year
Jennifer & Ray Redding (Jenerayte)
Publicist of the Year
Barry Rogers (Wayne Public Relations)
Social Media Manager of the Year
Courtney Ritter (Courtney Ritter Marketing)
Recording Studio of the Year
Rosewood Studios (Tyler)
Record Producer of the Year
Bart Rose (Fort Worth Sound)
Sound Recording Engineer of the Year (Studio)
Chad Mauldin (Mauldin Productions/KSIJ Studio)
Booking Agent of the Year
Holly Grant (Grant Entertainment)
Booking Agency of the Year
True Grit Management
Venue Talent Buyer of the Year
Steve Said (Dosey Doe)
Music Video of the Year (Released 2022-2023)
Wild Horses (Kin Faux ft Terry McBride)
Videographer of the Year
Trenton Johnson (613 Media)
Photographer of the Year
Ray Redding (TexasRedd Images)
Radio Station of the Year Terrestrial
KOKE 98.5/99.3 FM - Austin, TX
Radio Station of the Year Internet
Radio Program Director of the Year
Shayne Hollinger (KFWR 95.9 FM The Ranch Fort Worth)
Lighting Engineer of the Year (Venue, Company, or Touring)
Jimmy Davidson (Texas Stage)
Music Festival of the Year
KOKEFest (Austin - Eric Rains)
Charitable Music Event of the Year
Concert in the Country (Boots for Troops – Jimmy Rogers)
Texas Country Podcast of the Year
Real Life Real Music (Kyle Hutton)
Texas Country Digital or Print Media Outlet of the Year
Saving Country Music (Kyle Coroneos)
Texas Country Syndicated Radio Show of the Year
Sunday Morning Coming Down (Mike “Crowman” Crow)
Best Band Merchandise of the Year
The Wilder Blue
Digital Distribution Platform of the Year
Smith Music Group
Music Teacher of the Year
Tom McKinney (Tom McKinney Vocal Studio - Houston)
Music School of the Year
Shawnda Rains Entertainment (Denison)
The 2024 Texas Country Music Summit and Industry Awards date and location will be announced at a later time.
For more information on the Texas Country Music Association, visit www.texascountrymusic.org.
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Media Contact (not for publication)
Linda Wilson
Texas Country Music Association